One of the most popular house siding options nowadays is vinyl. Throughout the years, you’ll want it to look nice. One of the most asked questions is “is it ok to pressure wash vinyl siding?” The answer is yes, BUT we have a few cautions that come along with pressure washing houses. In this blog we’ll explain the job that is pressure washing vinyl along with a few caveats.
Before You Pressure Wash Vinyl Siding
When you get your hands on a pressure washer, it seems very simple to use. You just point and spray, right? Well, yes, BUT no. Before you jump into using it, there are some things you need to check off as well as methods you need to adhere to if you want to do a good job.
- Do a special inspection of the vinyl siding areas you want to clean. Is there any damage? Are there any particularly dirty spots? Note them.
- Damaged Vinyl: You’ll want to make these repairs before the cleaning or skip the area. Be very careful around it if you are skipping it, as not to cause any more damage.
- If there are particularly dirty spots, see if you can find the culprit. Sometimes excess dirt or algae can be caused from a leaky or broken gutter. Make those repairs first, if necessary. There’s no reason to clean an area well if it’s just going to get really dirty again sooner than later.
- On areas that are particularly dirty, try taking a stiff brush and use some elbow grease to penetrate the stain. This is so that you don’t have to focus too much on it with higher pressure that could damage your vinyl.
- Do you have the right cleaning concentrate? When you pressure wash vinyl siding, you want to make sure you are using a cleaning concentrate that is safe for vinyl siding, as well as environmentally friendly.
Onto the Equipment
You are not ready to start spraying just yet. Once you’ve mapped out where you are targeting, you’ll need to adjust your settings on the pressure washer. With vinyl it is easy to use too high of a setting. When there is too much pressure, you can crack the vinyl. It’s also easy to soak the wood sheeting behind the siding, which can cause more damage. Start on the low setting and work your way up. You can also start further away from the surface and move forward as you go. Keep in mind that if the siding is moving, you are using too much pressure or are too close.
Ready to go!
Once you have your settings ready, you can start pressure washing! Besides any damaged areas, here are a few more areas to watch out for:
- Windows
- Doors
- Painted Surfaces
- Outdoor Lighting
Final Thoughts
When you pressure wash vinyl siding might seem like a fun job, but it can be an extremely tedious as well as difficult. Just keep in mind, you can clean a house using pressure but you have to have the ability to dial back the pressure to ensure no damage. Mistakes are fast and easy to make. It can do more harm than good. We suggest giving a professional a call that is very familiar with the job of softwashing houses. Don’t forget to choose a company that has great reviews!
If you are looking for someone to pressure wash your vinyl, So Clean is ready for the job! We have been in the pressure washing business for over 10 years and we have wonderful reviews! We offer a low-pressure, soft washing process that not only cleans better, it also lasts longer! Contact us to get on our schedule today!